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01.147 Fermata

Friday, June 17, 2022

Aqrabuamelu compound; Flushing, Queens, New York, United States

“How is Los Angeles?”

“Fine dear… Thanks for calling. We are just getting settled. Your father is here also.”


Her mother sounded different: more carefree and relaxed, less judgmental. She had taken the opportunity to reinvent herself entirely and had retired from medicine to write screenplays, of all things. She was dressed less severely as well, less “perfect” and more… well… boho.

Her father also seemed to be doing well. He had apparently taken up gardening with a vengeance and was trying to decide what he wanted to do with their new lives.

“Is Harry there?”

“You mean Gabe, right?” her father reminded her of the cover identity.

“Yeah… yeah Gabe.”

“Hey sis!”

They chatted for a while. Ella had trouble accepting how much had changed for their family and the sacrifice they had made. It was almost shocking how quickly they had settled in.

Cabana, Queens, New York, United States

The bird stared at her balefully while Isaac sat across from her. Ella demolished the paella and was considering ordering a steak. She just couln’t stop eating lately.

“Sorry I haven’t been in touch much lately,” she said, “I wasn’t wanting to ghost you or anything, but you know how it is… just busy.”

“Busy meaning…” Isaac’s raised eyebrow of inquiry was undercut when Peelatchachía pecked him in the side of the head, and Isaac winced. The raven got up and flew up through the ceiling and out.

“Fine… fine… I already know some of it. Peelatchachía was watching when you were attacked in the Hamptons.”

“Little nosy bird…” teased Ella. Her expression became serious, “Yes, I have been on the defensive. Time to end this. My family was attacked and is in hiding. And whatever attacked us, well, they were god damn invisible and flying.”

“Is that why there are so many of your people here?”

“Mine no longer!” Ella smiled in clear satisfaction, a unasked for responsibility having been lifted from her shoulders. “I freed them. But yes, there are a lot of them here. Arcsa met with them all last night and they are unified at least until we are finished with Ekerri.”


“We can’t kill him. It would open the Thousand Kingdoms into the world randomly and without any preparation. It would be a disaster. So I think we need to force him into, well, abdicating I guess.”

“I see…” Isaac sat there and then Peelatchachía flew down back to his shoulder and pecked him in the head, hard. “Stop that you damn pigeon!”

Isaac listened for a moement.

“Peelatchachía says something strange is outside the restaurant. But he can’t find it.”

Ella put a hand to her earring, “Zaidu, did you copy?”

“They are listening to you on our date?” Isaac asked, looking uncomfortable.

“Best I could do. We aren’t taking big chances. Me coming out to see you was already a stretch.” Ella shrugged and then looked delighted when the waiter brought over some Ropa Viejo and another Mojito.

Isaac eyed the amount she was eating, he sat back and had an espresso while waiting for her to finish.

Ella forbore from ordering another dish.

She gave him a kiss before saying goodnight and he turned and walked away.

“You aren’t coming.”

Charlie looked at her, “I know, but you know I want to be there, right?”

Jade sat there looking at both of them, “This is crazy. You guys are going to go attack this guy who has been trying to kill you this whole time?”

Ella looked at Jade, “I have highly trained soldiers, magic, a dragon, more money than I need, and he has 1-2 million untrained orcs. The advantage is mine right now… but that will change if we wait. They already got a few shipments of modern rifles and who knows what else? This is the time.”

Charlie stood up and gave Ella a hug, “Be careful and come back to us…” she whispered in Ella’s ear.

Jade gave her a hug also.

There was a knock at the door and when Isaac opened the door, Ella looked at him briefly before walking in without saying a thing.